Movie Info: Goreng wakes up in part of The Hole, a place where food is sent down with The Platform. As people above become selfish and eat whatever they want, people below get less. Goreng learns from the other cellmates that the people below can fall into madness and sanity loss turning into bloody cannibalism, so he starts to get into a plan for The Hole's people release Year: 2019 countries: Spain audience score: 107229 vote Horror actor: Emilio Buale, Ivan Massagué
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El hoyo watch online free. El hoyo watch movie reviews. There r only three types of people... El hoyo Watch movie page. Everyone: commenting about stuff being in the hole Me: Just sitting here, watching the video, not knowing what to comment. El hoyo watch movie theaters. Te trabas mucho, casi no se te entiende nada... Entendés que me ví explicaciones de otros canales si sobre está película porque aún no subiste este video. v Bueno pero al fin lo subiste ❤️. El hoyo watch movie trailer. Maravilloso análisis. Joder, por fin alguien que opina como yo! Es todo lo contrario a una crítica al capitalismo. El comunismo no funcionará mientras el hombre sea hombre. Is this good movie? Obviously.
En números bajos lo disfrutan, se desenfrenan y se olvidan de los demás, en numero altos piensan en los demás, juzgándolos. El hoyo watch movie 2016.
What the heck I expected to see to cooker's cook more food than they did at the end😂
La película está más allá de crítica al pensamiento de izquierdas o de derechas, creo va directa a la naturaleza humana y la retrata con la misma crudeza de un buen libro de historia. What a metaphor for our society. There are billionaires at the top harvesting the best fruits. There's middle class struggling for left overs from rich people. Then, there's people at the bottom. Lying, cheating, treating each other like dogs, fighting for survivals. This movie scares me.
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Pregunta: ¿Qué vendría a ser un Título Homologado. El hoyo watch movie english. Voy a desmontar la historia en un simple mensaje si la niña esta en la imaginacion de goren porque el negro tambien la ve. The movie was awesome i really enjoyed it. Me:mom weres my phone? My mom:in the hole. El hoyo Watch movies. El hoyo watch movie list. El hoyo watch movie full. El hoyo watch movie online. El hoyo Watch movie database. El hoyo watch movie clips. Entonces a quien se referian cuando dicen casi al final RAMSES ES EL MENSAJE. Leave Your feedback and share links on social networks, for us it will be the best praise.
Final explicado de barco fantasma(2002. Tom, where'd all the schools go? Tom: They fell. Where? Tome: In the hole. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN. The WHOLE TIME i thought this was jwnnifer lawrence wtf. Hola: para todos las personas Qué disfrutaron de la película... ☹️Debo admitir qué Ami me Jodióstante.
En el piso 1 me siento el primer día de pago: alquiler, luz, agua y siento que estoy en el piso 333. Ooh CTM RECORDER CUANDO EL JAIME DIJO: ÁBRANME EL PUTO HOYO XD viejos tiempos. Hola! Soy nueva en Youtube Argentina, me dedico a subir vídeos analizando películas y series del momento. Me ayudarías muchísimo si te pasaras a ver mi contenido! Gracias.
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أجمل ما فى السينما او الفن بشكل عام وهذا الفيلم بشكل خاص بإنه يبعث بأكثر من رساله وقيمه و أن يحتوى على اكثر من درجه للفهم ويترك للمتلقى الحريه للفهم على حسب درجه وعيه وفهمه. فيلم جميل وممكن نحلله ونفهمه من خلال البعد الاجتماعى او الطبقى. وكمان الدينى او الأخلاقى. A lo que vinimos 0:14. El hoyo Watch movie reviews. El hoyo watch movie black package. اول مرة اتفرج المراجعة بعد ما شفت الفلم 😂. El hoyo watch movies online free streaming. Oops, the like button now is in the hole 🕳. La duda que me escarba es por qué mataron a Ramses II 😥. الفيلم جميل جداً و حواراته هادفة و عميقة ويحتاج على الأقل الى مشاهدة ثانية او مشاهدة المشاهد والحوارات المهمة بعد اكمالك المشاهدة الأولى لكي تفكك الحوارات والرسائل بطريقة إخرى. .
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Well, this is a great movie that leaves room for many hypothesis. One of them, for me, is that the place was not exactly just a prison, but hosted a social experiment.
We see the protagonist guy getting in by choice. Seems like he did nothing wrong to be there. They filled a form with his info (including his favorite food, wtf whas that about? and he would get a certificate for staying there, as he said. But the old man said he knew nothing of a certificate, and that he was sent there for accidentally killing a man (it was that or a psychiatric facility. So the old man is clearly a prisoner. My theory is that the experiment took prisoners and volunteers (that were probably very rare.
The whole logic of that system seemed like an experiment, and that woman who used to work there trying to chance people's behavior, plus the two man on the platform trying to take food for the people on the lower levels, all that really made me think there was a purpose in all. I even thought there would be people watching from cameras in each floor. Wouldn't that be interesting (and kind of messed up)
Unfortunately, by the end of the movie I believed I was wrong. But who knows? It's a possible interpretation.
I saw someone here with a very interesting theory about eating just your favourite food, in that way, everyone would be able to eat, and for a moment I was convinced this person had figured it out (that would be a great reason for asking that question in the beginning. But then I thought. 333 floors. 666 people (wow, check this number! Maybe the whole thing is Hell) there is no way that platform could fit so many dishes, even if a lot of people shared the same favorite food. A great theory though.
El hoyo watch movie hd. Por favor haz un final explicado de si no despierto, me pareció una buena película. Pero no entendí el final. 😐. El hoyo watch movie cast. El hoyo watch movie theater.
Naaaaa no creo que la segunda explicación sea verdadera es demasiado complejo
Prof. Fernando me vas a volver loco. Me encanta leer y me apasiona la filosofía sin ser filosofo pero cada vez que termino viendo un video tuyo leo el o los libros que haces referencia y análisis. Wow es cómo si el mundo se hiciera inmenso en mi mar de ignorancia. Gracias de corazón! Vic @econovics Instagram, twitter Pd: mis videos favoritos, todo lo que sea Nietszche.
El hoyo watch movie watch. El hoyo 2019 movie watch online. Hey where are your kids? Oh they're gone Gone were? To school? Where's their school? In the hole the hole music plays. So for the sequel, she will poop out the marble and everything else. Ok, this is something different, and well done. But all I wanna know is. How the platform works. There are no cables ore whatever to make it move🙈.